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It is usually useful to try to see the whole picture. In the field of internet startups thinking about development without planning market fit, might not be a great idea.

尝试查看整个图片通常很有用。 在互联网初创企业领域中,没有规划市场适应性而考虑发展可能不是一个好主意。

Let’s put it this way: you have an amazing idea and gathered enough capital to make it work; sure, go lean and start to build it step by step. Either if you start developing with your own team or do , it is important to envision and start executing a marketing plan as soon as possible. Why? Because product is 50% & market is the other half (simple way to reduce the ).  

让我们这样说:您有一个很棒的主意,并收集了足够的资金来使它起作用。 当然,要精益求精,并逐步构建它。 无论您是开始与自己的团队一起发展,还是进行 ,都必须构想并尽快执行营销计划。 为什么? 因为产品是50%,市场是另一半(减少简单方法)。

In this post, I will share some ideas and resources that any one or two-man startup might find useful for user acquisition from the world.

在这篇文章中,我将分享一些想法和资源,任何一个或两个人的初创公司都可能对从 世界 获取用户有用

To keep in mind: not all of the tools described next will apply to your startup. It is extremely useful to understand as much as you can of your target market – best case scenario you’re part of it – and from this definition decide which strategies correlate best.

请记住:并非下面介绍的所有工具都适用于您的启动。 尽可能多地了解目标市场(您是其中的最佳案例),从此定义中确定最相关的策略是非常有用的。

内容 (Content)

This strategy is one of the trendiest ones in the internet marketing field and probably you’ve heard a lot about it. Briefly, it consists in sharing different types of content with the intention to attract a defined audience (learn more about content marketing ). In my opinion, the reason behind the success of this strategy is as simple as you receive what you give. However, in this world, probably you have to give quite a lot before you start receiving as much as you gave. The good one is that later it can grow exponentially, so please let’s not hesitate!

这种策略是互联网营销领域中最流行的策略之一,您可能已经听说了很多。 简而言之,它在于共享不同类型的内容以吸引特定受众( 了解有关内容营销的更多信息 )。 我认为,此策略成功的原因很简单,就是 您收到所提供的 但是,在这个世界上,可能您必须付出很多才能开始收到您所付出的一切。 优点是以后它可以成倍增长,所以请不要犹豫!

Create content about what you do, the industry you’re in, upcoming features or cool related ideas in different formats: written posts, infographics, videos, podcasts. Try to always keep in mind these three concepts:

以不同的格式创建有关您的工作,所从事的行业,即将推出的功能或有趣的相关构想的内容:书面文章,信息图表,视频,播客。 尝试始终牢记以下三个概念:

  1. Engagement: bring some useful or interesting content to your targeted audience.   
  2. Steadiness: a punctual effort is not enough, although it might be tedious, bring content in a constant basis; otherwise, rethink about even starting it.
  3. Amplification: when the piece of content is done you’ve only achieved half of the work. It is extremely important to know the platforms in which to spread your content and reach influencers in your field.
  1. 参与度 :为 您的目标受众 带来一些有用或有趣的内容   
  2. 稳定 :尽管可能很乏味,但按时付出努力是不够的,要不断带来满足感; 否则,请重新考虑甚至启动它。
  3. 放大 :完成内容后,您仅完成了一半的工作。 知道在其中传播您的内容并联系您所在领域的影响者的平台非常重要。



  • : a publishing platform with a massive and engaged set of readers. I can start to tell you the benefits of sharing your content on Medium but describes them better. From my experience, to replicate the content from your blog in Medium is good way to start since Medium will not help you build your SEO.
  • : my personal favourite. Discover trends, get inspired by related content & track your blog’s results from this easy to use platform. This tool is specially useful when you’re creating & sharing your own content.
  • : for companies, this tool presents itself as the whole ecosystem for content marketing. From recruiting freelancers up to building influencer teams. An all in one solution.
  • : there are a lot of subreddits in which your target audience is actively reading. Research a bit, find interesting subs and share your valuable content on them. Be careful, the Reddit community is very sensitive with company’s content, so engage with very related content.
  • : an amplification tool that lets you promote your content on sites such as CNN, ESPN and People. Remember, always promote thinking where your audience is.
  • : although it can be consider an Ad platform, this tool is very useful to promote your content with a very customizable audience.  
  • :一个 拥有大量忠实读者 发布 平台。 我可以开始告诉您在Medium上共享内容的好处,但是 将对它们进行更好的描述。 根据我的经验,在Medium中复制博客中的内容是一个很好的开始,因为Medium无法帮助您建立SEO。
  • :我个人最喜欢的。 通过 这个易于使用的平台 发现 趋势 ,从 相关内容中 获得 启发 ,并跟踪您博客的 结果 当您创建和共享自己的内容时,此工具特别有用。
  • :对于公司而言,此工具将其自身呈现为内容营销的整个生态系统。 从招募自由职业者到建立影响者团队。 一站式解决方案。
  • :您的目标受众正在阅读很多次 。 研究一下,找到有趣的内容,并在其中分享您的宝贵内容。 请注意,Reddit社区对公司的内容非常敏感,因此请使用非常相关的内容。
  • :一种 放大 工具,可让您在CNN,ESPN和People等网站上宣传您的内容。 切记,始终提倡思考的对象在哪里。
  • :尽管可以将其视为广告平台,但是此工具对于非常可 定制的受众群体 推广 您的内容 非常有用

广告 (Ads)

An alternative is to start working on targeted internet ads. A mental barrier to break in ads is that since you’ll have to invest economic resources, which could be perfectly used for product development, it might not make much sense initially. Although I agree up to a certain extent, I can say that there is good value especially in search and retargeting ads.

另一种选择是开始制作有针对性的互联网广告。 打破广告的心理障碍是,由于您必须投资经济资源,而经济资源可以完美地用于产品开发,因此一开始可能没有多大意义。 尽管我在一定程度上表示同意,但是我可以说它具有很好的价值,尤其是在搜索和重新定位广告方面。

  1. : target a specific need which your product directly addresses & you’ll have good results with not much investment per click. Try to be very (very) targeted in the keywords used and build a landing page to address each specific need. Focus in direct conversion.
  2. : try it out. There are a lot of to use it but basically I can recommend you two strategies in the early days: re-engage with content & attract with compelling offers.    
  1. :针对您的产品直接解决的特定需求,您将获得良好的效果,而每次点击的投资就很少。 尝试针对所使用的关键字非常有针对性,并构建一个登录页面以解决每个特定需求。 专注于直接转换。
  2. :尝试一下。 有很多 来使用它,但是基本上,我可以在早期为您推荐两种策略:重新吸引内容并吸引具有吸引力的报价。



  • : the Google owned ads platform works excellent for search ads and it’s probably a nice way to start since is very easy to implement. Take some time when deciding your keywords & make your ads as related as possible to the keywords chosen.  
  • : in my expertise this is very useful to create retargeting lists and later use them to share relevant content in order to re-engage with past website visitors. It is important to notice that Facebook offers a wide range of ad products beyond its own platform: & are two cool resources to check out.
  • : to build a very specific landing page in order to empower conversions is key for a successful digital advertising campaign. This tool lets you build effective landing pages and optimize them (from real analytics) in a very easy way. Built for marketers with no IT knowledge but useful for fast execution.  
  • + : there is no good campaign without understanding what the user does once he lands on your page. This is why, apart from the classical tracking, we did a post explaining the benefits of and how to do it.
  • :由Google拥有的广告平台非常适合 搜索广告, 并且由于易于实施,因此可能是一个不错的开始方式。 在确定关键字时花一些时间,并使您的广告与所选关键字尽可能相关。
  • :以我的专业知识,这对于创建 重新定位 列表并在以后使用它们共享相关内容以便与以前的网站访问者重新互动时 非常有用 重要的是要注意,Facebook在其自身平台之外提供了更多广告产品: 是两个很不错的结帐资源。
  • :建立一个非常具体的目标网页以实现转化是成功进行数字广告活动的关键。 使用此工具,您可以轻松地构建有效的目标网页并对其进行优化(通过实际分析)。 专为没有IT知识但对快速执行有用的营销人员而设计。
  • + :没有良好的广告系列,就无法理解用户一旦登陆您的页面就会做什么。 这就是为什么除了传统的 跟踪之外 ,我们还发表了一篇文章,解释了 的好处 以及如何做到这一点。

转介 (Referral)

From our experience, referral traffic is the best investment in order to validate your product / service and probably the most difficult to achieve if you’re not a media person. Considering you might not be able to hire a PR agency, try all your efforts to get noticed by related_to_your_product forums. Send emails to publishers, share your product on Facebook / LinkedIn groups & post your product on & + promote it in , or even Reddit (). Of Course, if you’re able to get noticed by TechCrunch, VentureBeat or NYT go for it 😉

根据我们的经验,推荐流量是验证您的产品/服务的最佳投资,如果您不是媒体人,那么推荐流量最难实现。 考虑到您可能无法聘请公关公司,请尽一切努力使related_to_your_product论坛引起关注。 发送电子邮件给发布者,在Facebook / LinkedIn组上共享您的产品,或在 上发布您的产品, 然后在 甚至Reddit( )中 对其进行推广 当然,如果您能够被TechCrunch,VentureBeat或NYT引起注意,那就去吧😉

Another alternative to get good referral is from guest blog posts. Try to reach different startups or blogs offering some good quality content in exchange for a link to your web page. This will offer you a new set of readers that you would probably not be able to reach from your own blog. Even better, it also helps you build your (+1).

获得良好推荐的另一种方法是来自来宾博客文章。 尝试覆盖提供一些高质量内容的其他初创公司或博客,以换取您的网页链接。 这将为您提供新的读者群,您可能无法从自己的博客中获得这些读者。 更好的是,它还可以帮助您构建 (+1)。

Ultimately, a very interesting way of obtaining good referral traffic is by answering questions on . Let’s say you find questions which clearly address to the solution you’re creating; this is a great opportunity for you to validate your knowledge. Post a clear answer and at last bring your URL (in a delicate way) for them to read more about the solution you are be providing. Same as in Reddit, be extremely careful in not to only focus on promoting your solution. Bring interesting insights and then offer the link to your content for people who want to read more about it. 

最终,获得良好引荐流量的一种非常有趣的方法是回答有关 问题 假设您发现的问题可以清楚地解决您正在创建的解决方案; 这是您验证知识的绝好机会。 发表明确的答案,最后带上您的URL(以一种精致的方式),让他们阅读更多有关您提供的解决方案的信息。 与Reddit中一样,要特别小心,不仅要专注于推广您的解决方案。 带来有趣的见解,然后为想要阅读更多内容的人们提供指向您内容的链接。

社交媒体 (Social Media)

You’ll not be reinventing the wheel in this field: build a community around your product / service by sharing attractive content. Digging deeper, dealing with social media (SM) in a serious way might be (or not) a source of good leads, but surely it will validate your startup by sending a message of steadiness and focus.

您不会在这个领域重新发明轮子:通过共享有吸引力的内容围绕您的产品/服务建立社区。 深入挖掘,认真对待社交媒体(SM)可能是(或不是)好的潜在客户的来源,但是可以肯定的是,它将通过发送稳定和集中的信息来验证您的创业公司。

Important: the image of a company which only sends one tweet or has not a clear message to share is totally self-defeating; be sure to have a clear communication policy.

重要提示:仅发送一条推文或没有清晰信息要分享的公司形象完全是自欺欺人的; 确保有清晰的沟通政策。

However, how do you get likes / followers? How can you transform likes into leads? What’s the best way to start? Here you have some tools to answer these questions:

但是,您如何获得喜欢/关注者? 如何将喜欢变成潜在客户? 最好的开始方法是什么? 在这里,您可以使用一些工具来回答这些问题:

  • : a free(mium) tool which lets you schedule posts on social media through all of your active platforms. This very easy to use tool will save you a lot of time as you forget about SM once posts are scheduled for the rest of the week.
  • : offers a to manage all your SM accounts in one place among other premium functionalities. Either Buffer or Hootsuite are very popular platforms and have similar functionalities for starters. At first the main difference lies on the interface.
  • : a tool for Twitter which lets you find relevant people to connect with in order to start building a community upon your product / service. Easy to use with very good results.
  • : yes, this tool was already mentioned in content but it is also very useful in order to discover relevant content to share with your communities. Find these pieces of content through relevant keyword searching.
  • :一个免费的(mium)工具,可让您通过所有活动平台安排社交媒体上的帖子。 一旦安排了本周的剩余时间,这个非常易于使用的工具将为您节省很多时间,因为您忘记了SM。
  • :提供一项 ,可在其他高级功能中集中管理您的所有SM帐户。 Buffer或Hootsuite都是非常流行的平台,并且对于初学者而言具有相似的功能。 首先,主要区别在于接口。
  • :Twitter的一个工具,它可以让你找到相关的人,才能开始在你的产品/服务建立一个社区进行连接 易于使用,效果非常好。
  • :是的, 内容 中已经提到了此工具, 但它对于发现相关内容以与您的社区共享也非常有用。 通过相关的关键字搜索找到这些内容。

All in all, these are some cool resources and ideas in order to start building a product and measuring its market fit. Market fit will not only be your potential revenue stream but also a great source for product development (improvements, new features and even pivoting) in the first months.

总而言之,这些都是一些很酷的资源和想法,可以用来开始构建产品并衡量其市场适应性。 市场契合度不仅是您潜在的收入来源,还是头几个月产品开发(改进,新功能甚至是关键产品)的重要来源。

This post aims for you to start thinking about market along with product development in order to be one step closer to be successful in a competitive landscape. Nothing is guaranteed but probably having a clear picture about both and define the resources to devote on them, is a good path to follow.

这篇文章的目的是让您开始思考市场以及产品开发,以便在竞争激烈的环境中迈出一步。 没有什么可以保证的,但是可能对两者都有清晰的了解并定义用于这些资源的资源是遵循的好方法。



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